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Isilon DR Drill Test

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:08 am
by chris
Isilon OneFS must be 7.1 or higher

(Source) isi sync policies list

--> Displays a list of Policies on the isilon. Find the Policy in Ref to your share.


isilon1-1# isi sync policies list
Name Path Action Enabled Target
ChrisTest /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/DRtest sync Yes isilon02.isilon.local
Total: 1

(Source) isi sync policies disable --policy=<policy>

i.e. isi sync policies disable --policy=ChrisTest

(Source) isi sync policies list

--> look for a "No" in the Enabled column

(DR) isi sync target list


isilon1-1# isi sync target list
Name Source Target Path Last Job State FOFB State
ChrisTest isilon02 /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/DRtest finished writes_disabled
Total: 1

Find the Target Name, which is the policy name to use below in the next command.

(DR) isi sync recovery allow-write --policy-name=<policy>

i.e. isi sync recovery allow-write --policy-name=ChrisTest

(DR) isi sync target list

Verify that writes_enabled in FOFB State


isilon1-1# isi sync target list
Name Source Target Path Last Job State FOFB State
ChrisTest isilon02 /ifs/data/Isilon_Support/DRtest finished writes_enabled
Total: 1

#after DR Exercise is done and they dont want the changes to go back to Prod, issue the revert command.
(DR) isi sync recovery allow-write --policy-name=<policy> --revert

(Source) isi sync policies enable --policy=<policy>

i.e. i.e. isi sync policies enable --policy=ChrisTest

(Source) isi sync policies list
--> List the policy settings action should be "sync" and enabled should be "yes"

#below command is issued only if needed, which is typically needed if the policy wasn't disabled at the start of the exercise.
(Source) isi sync policies resolve --policy=<policy> --force