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Creating a New SnapshotIQ Snapshot Schedule/Policy

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:34 am
by chris
When creating/changing a snapshot policy, be mindful of the storage impact of that policy. For example, taking hourly snapshots of a share with a high rate of change, and retaining those snapshots for a long time, will consume a a lot of disk space.

Log into Web interface of Isilon
Determine the filesystem for which snapshots are needed.
For example, if setting snapshots on a Windows share, click Protocols -> Windows Sharing (SMB)
Locate the share in question and record the path being shared.
Click DATA PROTECTION and select SnapshotIQ
Click "Create a snapshot schedule"
Enter a Schedule Name and snapshot naming pattern (should be reflective of the share name)
Enter the Directory Path obtained by your previous examination of the share.
Select a the Snapshot Frequency and Snapshot Expiration (how long snapshots should be retained).
Click Create
Your new schedule will be displayed.